Bshacks Exercise Book for kids is the driving engine for an eventual Fitness & Life Coaching facility for kids in Cobb County.
“Bshack’s Exercise Book for Kids” series is geared towards not only fitness, but promoting cultural diversity as well. With every volume and new character from a different culture will Join Bshack to teach kids about fitness and share a little about their culture.
"Bshack's Exercise Book for Kids Vol.2: Core" is here! This is a 40 page book that teaches ages 2+ how to work the core. Bshack (me) and The Native Sioux Tribe chief to be, Ake are two young fitness instructors who love to teach kids about a healthy lifestyle.
"Bshack's Exercise Book for Kids Vol.1: Warm Up and Stretch" is here! This is a 40 page book that teaches ages 2+ how to properly prepare the body for any type of physical activity, sport, or exercise. Bshack (me) and The Ethiopian Princess, Aida are two young fitness instructors who love to teach kids about a healthy lifestyle.
Bshack's Exercise Book for Kids Vol. 3: Lower Body coming June 1st!